When you think about healthy bones, the first thing that comes to your mind is calcium. Everybody is well aware of the fact that calcium plays an important role in the strengthening of bones. It is a mineral that is responsible for building stronger bones as well as teeth. Its uses are not limited to bone formation and strong teeth only. It supports blood circulation and muscle control too.
Apart from calcium, Vitamin D is also necessary since it aids in the process of absorption of calcium in the body. Without vitamin D, calcium will not get absorbed. This is why there must be adequate amounts of vitamin D in the body, only then you will get the benefits of calcium.
But do you know, only calcium and vitamin D cannot keep your bones, muscles, and teeth healthy? Several other vitamins and minerals are also involved to keep everything going. In this blog, we will have a look at some additional nutrients that your body needs in order to build strong bones, muscles, and teeth. Check them out.
Bone health-building nutrients besides calcium
This mineral is essential for carrying out many processes in the human body, which include regulating blood sugar levels, blood pressure, muscle, bone building, protein, and DNA synthesis, and controlling nerve function. A deficiency of this mineral in the body can potentiate the risk of osteoporosis, which is a disease that causes a decrease in bone density and strength. It makes the person more susceptible to the risk of fractures. Its primary function is to regulate sufficient levels of calcium and vitamin D to increase bone density and thereby avoid the risk of osteoporosis.
Dietary sources of magnesium
One can obtain this mineral from food sources or dietary supplements. It is naturally present in some foods or can be added to some fortified foods. Its great sources are leafy greens like spinach, kale, collards, whole grains, legumes, dairy products, nuts, and seeds, fortified cereals, and chocolate.
According to several health experts, potassium is one of the most important nutrients that plays an essential role in bone crystallization and bone health. Its function is to maintain the fluid balance within the body. The role of potassium is to neutralize the bone-depleting metabolic acids, as the bone maintains the reservoir of these acids for crisis situations. These acids can increase the vulnerability of the bones to breakdowns and loss of bone minerals. However, potassium, along with some other salts, prevents the risk of any damage to bone density by neutralizing the acidic compounds present within or around bones. Thus, potassium protects your bones from bone mineral depletion.
Besides, this mineral has a key role in the vascular system’s functioning. A study conducted by researchers at Harvard University suggests that potassium is responsible for relaxing the walls of the blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and providing protection from muscle cramping.
Individuals experiencing problems with their sexual health due to erectile dysfunction can consume foods that are rich in potassium. It can cause relaxation in the blood vessels and maintain healthy sexual function. However, if one wishes to restore their erection function within a few minutes. Then they can opt for treatment remedies like ED medications. Fildena medications can be a worthwhile option for individuals with impotence.
Dietary sources of Potassium
Bananas, oranges, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, lentils, dairy products, raisins, apricots, nuts, avocados, soybeans, and cereals.
This mineral is densely present in bones and teeth. This mineral is necessary for carrying out many vital functions in the body. Phosphorus supports bone augmentation and maintenance. It ensures your bone health by eliminating the risk of harm due to acids. Note that, high amounts of phosphorus can lead to bone damage or increase the risk of kidney diseases, therefore, one must avoid using supplements.
Dietary sources of Phosphorus
One can get this mineral from foods naturally. Legumes such as lentils, peas, kidney beans, grains, nuts, cereals, potatoes, eggs, fish, dairy products, meat, and poultry.
Vitamin A
This vitamin is necessary for bone health, as it supports the functions of osteoblasts, which are the bone-blasting cells, and impacts the functions of osteoclasts, which are the cells that break down the bones. Vitamin A deficiency can affect calcium absorption in the body. Which can hinder the growth of bones. On the contrary, high levels of this vitamin are also linked to an enhanced risk of osteoporosis and even fractures. So, Vitamin A must not be too low or too high.
Dietary sources of Vitamin A
Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, broccoli, red bell peppers, carrots, sweet potatoes, eggs, liver, mangoes, fatty fish, and milk.
Vitamin D
Having calcium in adequate quantity is not enough. There must be sufficient amounts of vitamin D in the body too, which plays a vital part in the absorption and assimilation of calcium and phosphorus for the crystallization of bones. According to some clinical research, children with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to develop health conditions such as rickets, wherein they may experience stunted growth, weakness in legs, bowed legs, and even skeletal deformities.
Dietary sources of Vitamin D
Liver, egg yolks, oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, salmon, or herring, and fortified cereals. Besides food, getting out in the sun can be an excellent way of obtaining this vitamin. Your body creates this vitamin from exposure to direct sunlight. So, you should go out in the sun often.
It is an essential mineral, that has a fundamental role in the growth and maintenance of healthy bones. Moreover, It aids in the formation of new bones and prevents the breakdown of bones. It works along with vitamin D for the mineralization of bones. Therefore, zinc is required for the proper development and maintenance of bones in the body.
Dietary sources of Zinc
Foods that are rich in zinc include spinach, lentils, chickpea, mushrooms, dairy products, nuts, seeds, beans, crab, lobster, whole grains, cereals, poultry, and oysters.
Vitamin K
This vitamin is necessary for synthesizing several proteins that are needed for bone formation. Individuals with vitamin K deficiency are more prone to the risk of low bone density. Lack of this vitamin is linked to fractures and osteoporosis.
Dietary sources of vitamin K
Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, or collard greens, spinach kale, lettuce, soybean, prunes, blueberries, apples, and grapes.
Last Word
The health of your bones must be attributed to calcium along with several other nutrients. Calcium alone cannot get you healthy bones. Other essential nutrients support calcium with bone building and strengthening, and they also eliminate the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.