Terms & Conditions
The undersigned, (the “Customer”) hereby confirms as follows:
That the visitor of Medmaxim belongs to the jurisdiction in which the Customer ordinarily resides (the “Place of Residence”) That the Customer is not restricted from making his/her own medical decisions under the laws of the Place of Residence of the Customer.
That the medication(s) ordered by the Customer (the “Ordered Product”) were prescribed by a licensed and duly qualified healthcare expert in the Place of Residence of the Customer for being Customer’s specific, individual diagnosed and has a medical condition that is examined by the respective Physician.
The Customer has not breached any laws in the Place of Residence, in the process of obtaining medical Prescription for the Ordered Product.
That the Ordered Product might be used only by you whatsoever, except as prescribed by the Doctor, originally issued the Prescription to the respective Customer and that the duty of care is the responsibility of the Customer’s Doctor.
That no person other person than customer itself shall make use of the Ordered Product as recommended by the healthcare provider.
That customer does not rely on any information obtained from Medmaxim and any of its employees and / or its affiliates in making the decision to order any of the medications requested.
That customer will immediately contact the doctor that has prescribed the medicine in the event of suffering from any side effects while consumption of the medications bought from the online store.
That customer is wholly responsible to have regular examinations with the primary physician to ensure that he does not have any existing medical problems, which could constitute a contradiction in taking drugs that the customer has ordered. He agrees to take the responsibility that if he sees more than one doctor to inform each of those doctors of all medications that customer is taking.
That the Customer hereby releases and hereby discharges its affiliates, subsidiaries and parent company (collectively, the “Providers”) and all of their respective officers and directors, agents, and employees from any and all liability, claims or causes of action, expenses, losses and damages of any kind whatsoever, including without limitation, general direct, special, indirect and consequential damages, even if advised of the possibility thereof, with respect to the use or application of the Ordered Product by the Customer, including but not limited to, undesired side effects, whether previously known or unknown, all such risks being assumed by the Customer. Nothing in this Authorization & Release Form might be deemed so as to release pharmacy or pharmacist contractors with respect to the compliance with applicable standards of practice or some sort of usual professional duties and obligations that Medmaxim or their contractors may owe.
That customer agrees and acknowledges that these medications are being shipped from a foreign country and the customer understands that these medications have not been manufactured in the United States.
That customer understands that entire packaging laws that are being different in foreign countries than in the US and they are being highly responsible to check with the doctor for appropriate procedure and the risks that occur from the use of this medication. If there are any changes in the health, the customer should responsibly notify the doctor and determine if he should continue consumption of the medication or not.
That the Customer agrees that child protective packaging may not be used by the Providers and the Customer releases and discharges the Providers and all of their officers and directors, agents and employees from any might all come into action with respect to the errors or omissions by the company or agency that hare held responsible for transporting the Ordered Meds to the Customer.
That the Customer authorizes and appoints Medmaxim as the customer’s agent and attorney for the purpose of signing all documents on my behalf necessary for shipping medication to address mentioned while ordering as if the customer had been present to do so.
That customer authorizes and appoints the online store as the customer’s agent and attorney for the purpose of packaging or repackaging the medications in order to have them delivered to the respective areas as if the customer were personally present to take such steps.
That customer agrees that all agreements and contracts made between the customer and Medmaxim and /or its affiliates shall be deemed to have been made in the City of Chennai, India and accordingly shall be governed by the laws of India.
That customer agrees that if any dispute arises between Medmaxim and / or its affiliates and customer that the laws might eventually govern it and it shall further have sole and exclusive jurisdiction over any such dispute.
That the Customer agrees that neither the Providers nor any of their servants, agents or contractors, including the Indian Physician and the Indian Pharmacist, has made any representations to him/her, including warranties or representations with associated to delivered Ordered Product’s usefulness or fitness for a particular purpose (including, without limitation, its appropriateness for curing or helping relieve any particular ailment, illness or disease or its potential, actual or adverse side effects whether previously known or unknown.
That the Customer acknowledges that the Providers and their employees and agents and contractors, including the Indian Physician(s) and Indian Pharmacist(s) have relied upon the information, the documentation and the prescription(s) that the Customer is providing in this New Customer Order Form (including a completed Medical Questionnaire) and the Customer represents and confirms that he/she has and will fully disclose(d) all information and documentation to the Providers. The Customer understands he/she needs and agrees to notify the Providers of any change to his or her physical medical condition by providing an updated Medical Questionnaire.
That the Customer acknowledges that the Ordered Product may not be returned for a refund or an exchange.